What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Your Body Births.

When I was first starting out on this hypnobirthing practitioner journey, I really struggled to come up with a name for this little venture. Names were already taken or just didn’t resonate with me and I spent a long time trying to figure out exactly what to call it.

Your body births.

This little phrase popped into my head. I didn’t love it, but it spoke to my desire for others to believe in their body’s ability to birth. (…and I couldn’t think of anything better, so it stuck!)

But the more I think about this phrase, the more I’m embracing it.

Outside of special circumstances, we don’t routinely expect the systems in our body to fail. Our digestive system processes the food we eat; our muscles and bones keep us upright and moving; our heart, veins and arteries keep blood pumping and flowing through our bodies. When babies are learning to crawl or walk, we anticipate their achievement of these milestones.

Unless there are special circumstances we trust that our body will function the way it is designed to.

Except when it comes to birth.

For some reason (we can talk more about this in another blog post…) whilst we have trusted our bodies in the process of growing our baby, we struggle to believe that our body can finish the job and birth our baby.

Your body is not broken.

Your body knows what to do.

Your body is perfectly designed to birth your baby.

And even if special circumstances do arise that require a little detour on the path to holding your baby? If you’ve made the decisions that are right for you every step of the way, regardless of how your baby’s birth unfolds, you and your body worked together to bring your baby earthside.

Your body birthed if you had a home birth.

Your body birthed if you had a hospital birth.

Your body birthed if you had a caesarean.

No matter how your baby comes into world, your body birthed them. All births can be beautiful and special and should be celebrated.

Because believe it or not,

Your Body Births.

Head shot of Claire. Claire Nash I hope you enjoyed this post. I share knowledge, information and ideas here to inform, encourage and inspire you in your positive birth journey. You are amazing and you deserve a positive birth!

Oops! Here comes bub!


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