My beautiful water birth!

Claire’s second birth story - 2020

A few years after the birth of C (read that story HERE), I was pregnant again. I was expecting another speedy labour and birth – that’s what they say right? Second births are faster?

I really wanted to have a water birth this time, and I also wanted continuity of care/carer so as soon as my pregnancy was confirmed by my GP, I had her send off a referral to the MGP (midwifery group practice) at my local public hospital and I contacted them via Facebook and email.

I wanted the gold standard in maternity care!

I got in!

I was so excited when they finally confirmed that I met the criteria to be cared for by an MGP midwife. The first time I met my lovely midwife, she asked me all about my previous experience. After relaying everything that happened to her and what I was hoping for with this birth, she said,

“So, when you call me to tell me you’re in labour, I will believe you. When you say you are ready to head to the hospital, I will meet you there and get the tub filling. Then, other than maybe occasionally checking baby’s heartrate, I will sit in the corner and clean up after. Is that how I can best support you?”


It sounded perfect to me. (Also knowing that if I needed anything more from her, she would be there.)

We practiced our hypnobirthing techniques that we had learnt during my first pregnancy (and I now teach to expectant parents!) and got ready to meet our little one.

38 weeks came and went. I was ready. Whenever my baby decided the time was right, I was ready.

That Sunday, at 39 weeks pregnant, the tightenings I’d been feeling on and off for weeks started to feel that little bit different – more regular, more persistent.

So we quickly got C packed up and dropped off with family. This baby could be here any minute! I went to have a lie down. I wanted to rest while I could… and my surges slowed right down!

I decided to see if a walk would encourage my body to keep things going. While my partner weeded the garden, I walked laps!

Round and round the garden like a (very pregnant!) teddy bear I went for about 45min, stopping to breathe, stretch, squat, lunge, whatever felt right and good in my body. I could feel my surges building, getting beautifully strong and regular.

We came back inside after my walk around the yard and I had planned to continue to ride the waves of labour in the bedroom - dark, private, comfortable...
But when your neighbours are throwing a party and blasting the Eminem...
(Personally not my choice in music to listen to when birthing!)
We moved into the lounge room!

I watched a favourite TV show - a wonderful distraction to help me recentre and get in the zone

I used my birth ball - rocking, circling
I had a shower - warm water was amazing!

I snacked to keep my energy up
I used my hypnobirthing tools - my partner assisted beautifully with massage, prompts, reading scripts, acupressure and just being present.

In my head I was completely focused.

Breathing through the surges
Riding those waves

After hours of this (so much for a shorter labour second time round!) when I felt like waiting any longer would make the car trip too uncomfortable we decided to go in (even though it was only 4min to the hospital!)

I started getting the shakes and hot/cold flushes just before we left home - confirming we were right to be heading in as these were signs of transition!
We let the midwife know we were coming. (Unfortunately it was my midwife’s night off and so we had someone else from the MGP team).

All I could think about on the way in was getting in that tub at the hospital! After being assessed - blood pressure and baby's heart rate (I declined an internal to check how dilated I was) we got to our room where the tub was already being filled!

The tub was bliss! 

Being in the tub, this truly huge tub of warm water that I could lie in, float in, completely stretch out in, was my dream for my birth since my first pregnancy five years ago (firstborn decided an amazing baby's choice birth at home was the way to go! Read about it HERE.)

I was finally here!

We had a lovely big LED candle our 5yo picked out for me set up right next to the tub.
I changed position as my body led me.
We used light touch, acupressure and my Hypnobirthing Australia™ tracks.

I felt a popping sensation and even though I was in that lovely warm water I felt the gush as my membranes released.

So different from my first where my membranes didn’t release until the very last second, this time I could feel baby moving down. It was intense.
I could feel my body urging baby lower and lower. I was moving to create space within.
I could feel my body expanding to make way for my baby as they got closer.
I breathed.
Bearing down and vocalising with each surge, following the lead of my body.

I felt my body stretch.
Oh that stretch!
Don't panic.
Stay calm.
Just breathe.

Then, the midwife took it upon herself to try to “protect my perineum” what it felt like to me was someone pulling my baby out. I was pulled from my zone by the feeling of her hands on me. No consent, no asking first. I’m sure she meant well but the impact on me was huge. I felt tense, and unsafe and my focus was pulled from where it needed to be. I had to yell “get your hands off me!”

It took everything. I mean everything I had to get myself back into the zone.

Don't panic.
Stay calm. Use your tools.
Relax. Go into your bubble again.
Just breathe. Sink back into self-hypnosis.

I instinctively reached down…
I can feel a head!

Head is out.

Wait. No rush. Breathe.
Next surge, baby slips out into the world.
Into Daddy's arms.

Welcome earthside little K!

My husband passed K to me and tears of joy and love rolled down my cheeks - we did it!

We snuggled up in a blanket (still in the tub) and I gazed down at this tiny human - how good does a baby's head smell?!

It took a little over an hour to birth the placenta with my first, so I expected some time before the surges started again...

I had no more than a minute before my body was rocking again with surges.
So much oxytocin!

That amazing tree of life that sustained my little K for 39 weeks of growth and development came so fast we only just caught it in the bowl!

We waited for the cord to stop pulsating (wait for white!) to ensure K received all her precious blood.
Then daddy cut the cord, and the midwife checked the placenta over before packing it up for us to take home.

Peaceful, gentle, and all in perfect timing.

Little K had skin to skin cuddles with daddy while I got out of the tub and got settled on the bed – the first time I lay down since getting to the hospital!

Then K was straight back on my chest, skin to skin for our golden hour of bonding. No weighing, measuring, fussing, or interruption. Just breathing in that intoxicating new baby smell and enjoying watching K look around and find my face.

So alert
So calm
So peaceful

The breast crawl.
Allowing K to seek and find the breast.
No intervention needed.
Babies are so clever!

First breastfeed.
After feeding C for 4.5yrs, feeding K was so different and such a lovely start to our breastfeeding journey, however long it ends up being this time.

After a wonderfully long time of feeding and snuggles, K was weighed and measured and checked over by the midwife.
Not a sound from K.
Alert and watching and completely calm.

3.61kg of perfection
250g lighter than C was, and labour almost 7hrs longer and way more intense!

Welcome little K!
Mumma, Daddy and C love you so very much!


Birth Story: Isabelle’s powerful birth


Oops! Here comes bub!